Cross Number Puzzles and Games

US Math Recovery® Council is thrilled to announce that Celia Baron's Cross Number Discovery Puzzles and Games are now available for purchase through the Math Recovery® Store.

The full 5 book set of resources for levels Pre-K to Grade 4 are offered for all staff members within a single building to access and use with students. The price of $375.00 for the set includes a site license.

These fun and exciting puzzles and games for Pre-K to Grade 4 resources are based on Math Recovery® research and allow educators to select puzzles and games at a variety of levels in order to meet the varying student needs within a single classroom!

Please send purchase orders to We look forward to your feedback on this exciting resource! The item has been added to our product order form online

In order to preview free samples by level, please visit the Cross-Number website. The following video explains how the puzzles are used.

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