NEW! Math Recovery® Online Support Modules

USMRC is excited to unveil the first in a series of online Math Recovery® Support Modules that put you in the driver’s seat! Support modules are available at no charge to members who have completed the related AVMR or MRIS courses. You can select modules that meet your needs and complete them in the time you have available. The support modules are each 10-15 minutes in length and focus on one aspect of the Learning Framework in Number. For example, the first available module focuses on teaching the 5-wise partitions of 10 within the topic of Structuring Numbers 1-10. The support modules encourage learning through video clips, along with questions to guide what to watch for, opportunities to check for understanding, and references where to find support within your current Math Recovery® resources.

An added bonus of the Math Recovery® Support Modules is that you will be able to use a series of modules as part of recertification requirements. You will be able to access the Math Recovery® Support Modules on your account dashboard via ConnectMR. We are in the process working out the details of steps needed to gain access and we will send out information as soon as the first module is up and ready for you to experience. Stay tuned for more information!

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