Latest News & Happenings

Current happenings and updates from Math Recovery®

Executive Summary of May 2014 Board Minutes

Executive Summary of Minutes
US Math Recovery Council® Board Meeting
May 5, 2014
Attendance: Yvette Panasowich, board chair; Lynn Haden, treasurer; Cathy Briand,  Anne Catena, Deb Farley, Sharon Ficarra,  Kory...

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Welcoming New Board Members

The Board Development Committee is pleased to announce the Slate of Nominees presented at our May 2014 General Meeting has passed.

We welcome Dr. Anne Catena, Lauren Simpson, and...

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Connecting and Supporting Our Members

In keeping with our mission to empower educators to advance student mathematical thinking and success...through Math Recovery® principles, we have some additional ways to support and connect educators.

Google Groups...

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New Offering at Math Recovery® Summer Institute

In addition to the traditional Summer Institute offerings of Math Recovery® Intervention Specialist, Champion, and Leader, we are pleased to offer "Deepening the MR Conversation", led by Kurt Kinsey. This...

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May 2014 Update from the Board Chair

Hello Math Recovery® Professionals:

What an awesome 2014 Conference! Attendees participated in many sessions that expanded, strengthened and enhanced their content knowledge. Math Recovery® has many talented mathematics professionals that...

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Vote on the 2014 Board Slate

Dear US Math Recovery Council® Members:

The US Math Recovery Council® Annual Membership Meeting is Thursday, May 8, at the 2014 National Conference in Austin, Texas. The Board Member nominees...

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Congratulations to Dr. Robert J. Wright - 2014 Pioneer Award Recipient

The US Math Recovery Council® Pioneer Award is designed to honor individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of numeracy. Selection criteria includes years of distinguished service, with...

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May 2014 Letter from Carolyn

Dear US Math Recovery® Members,

The 2014 US Math Recovery® Annual Conference and Meeting of Membership provided many excellent learning opportunities. As a first-time attendee wrote on the evaluation,...

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Executive Summary of February 2014 Board Minutes

Executive Summary

CEO Report - Carolyn Olijnek, CEO of US Math Recovery Council® Presented highlights for 2013 Presented the Strategic Plan Website is going well with new features being added...

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