Mathematical Understanding
for All Learners

In recent years there has been increased emphasis on teaching for understanding and building conceptual knowledge. Unfortunately, students with disabilities are often left out of that equation and subjected to behaviorist techniques which ignore student assets. Constructing mathematical understanding is a fundamental right and a matter of equity for all students. All students can construct mathematical understanding.

This session will explore the use of initial and on-going assessment to identify current student thinking as a guide for instruction. All students give us a place to start, and it’s our job to find it. There’s always a next step for every student.

Examples and vignettes will be shared to illustrate the use of constructivist teaching and learning for students with disabilities and their teachers.

Thank you for your interest in the session! For Build Math Minds members, the session will be available to view until July 2022. A download the handouts for this session are below.

Interested in trying out Math Recovery professional development? Tuition Scholarships applications are open:

Dawn Dibley

Dawn Dibley, a special educator with thirty years of experience as a music therapist, classroom teacher and mathematics coach is an instructional coach for the US Math Recovery Council®. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Therapy and Master’s degrees in Music Therapy and Developmental Cognitive Disabilities from the University of Minnesota. She is interested in the use of Math Recovery® assessments and teaching practices in the instruction of students with disabilities.

Pam Tabor

Dr. Pamela "Pam" Tabor is the Research and Evaluation Specialist for USMRC. She holds a PhD in Mathematics Education from Southern Cross University. Her supervisor was Dr. Bob Wright and her area of expertise is the development of conceptual place value. Previously Pam was a school-based math specialist and coach in Maryland and a contracted researcher with the Kentucky Center for Mathematics. She is one of the coauthors of Developing Number Knowledge and some articles in Teaching Children Mathematics.

About Math Recovery

What is Math Recovery?

The US Math Recovery Council® is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering educators and advancing students’ mathematical thinking and success. Math Recovery® transforms numeracy education through customized and unique professional learning with meaningful assessment and instruction, while Math Champs® works directly with students in one-on-one and small group settings within schools and districts.

Learn more about services we offer: